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Heyco® Plugs for Round Tubing

PRT Series Plugs - Ribbed Fit

  • Part Numbers and Specifications
  • Features
Inside Diameter Range Typical
Black A
Minimum Maximum
in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm.
.31 7,9 .33 8,4 13 - 14 G5220 PRT 50-13 .50 12,7 .45 11,4
.37 9,4 .43 10,9 16 - 20 G5221 PRT 50-16
.46 11,7 .56 14,2 14 - 20 G5223 PRT 63-14 .63 15,9 .44 11,2
.58 14,7 .68 17,3 14 - 20 G5224 PRT 75-14 .75 19,1
.61 15,5 .71 18,1 10 - 14 G5225 PRT 88-10 .88 22,2
.71 18,0 .91 23,1 14 - 20 G5226 PRT 88-14
.73 18,5 .83 21,1 10 - 14 G5227 PRT 100-10 1.00 25,4
.83 21,0 .93 23,6 14 - 20 G5228 PRT 100-14
.96 23,4 1.06 26,9 14 - 20 G5229 PRT 113-14 1.13 28,6 .52 13,2
.98 24,9 1.08 27,4 10 - 14 G5230 PRT 125-10 1.25 31,8
1.08 27,4 1.18 30,0 14 - 20 G5231 PRT 125-14
1.21 30,7 1.31 33,3 14 - 20 G5232 PRT 138-14 1.34 34,9 .50 12,7
1.17 29,7 1.28 32,5 8 - 12 G5233 PRT 150-08 1.50 38,1 .52 13,2
1.23 21,2 1.33 33,8 10 - 14 G5234 PRT 150-10
1.33 33,8 1.43 36,3 14 - 20 G5235 PRT 150-14
1.36 34,5 1.46 37,1 10 - 14 G5236 PRT 163-10 1.63 41,3 .50 12,7
1.46 37,0 1.56 39,6 14 - 20 G5237 PRT 163-14 1.63 41,3 .52 13,2
1.48 37,6 1.58 40,1 10 - 14 G5238 PRT 175-10 1.75 44,5 .59 15,0
1.58 40,1 1.68 42,7 14 - 20 G5239 PRT 175-14
1.73 43,9 1.83 46,5 10 - 14 G5241 PRT 200-10 1.95 49,5
1.83 46,5 1.93 49,0 14 - 20 G5242 PRT 200-14 2.00 50,8
1.86 47,2 2.00 50,8 10 - 14 G5243 PRT 213-10 2.13 54,0 .67 17,0
1.98 50,3 2.08 52,8 10 - 14 G5244 PRT 225-10 2.25 57,2 .66 16,8
2.08 52,8 2.18 53,4 14 - 20 G5245 PRT 225-14 2.25 57,2 .69 17,5
2.11 53,6 2.21 56,1 10 - 14 G5246 PRT 238-10 2.38 60,3 .66 16,8
2.17 55,1 2.28 57,9 8 - 12 G5247 PRT 250-8 2.50 63,5 .69 17,5
2.43 61,7 2.47 62,7 14 - 20 G5248 PRT 250-14

Standard color black.

  • With durable construction and excellent gliding edges, Heyco PRT Series Plugs for Round Tubing may be used on a wide range of metal furniture, appliances, and similar items.
  • Tapered rib design ensures a secure fit.
  • A thick, impact and abrasion resistant base makes PNT Series Plugs ideal tubing closures for products subject to heavy-duty service or exposure to adverse environments.
  • Not subject to rust or corrosion.
  • For larger diameter sizes, please consult Heyco.


Material LDPE
Temperature Range -94°F (-70°C) to 150°F (66°C)
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